Friday, August 27, 2010

Head Problems

So it seems as if I can't get my head around the idea of selling things I make. For one, I don't think what I make is good enough to charge people for it. I made a second video of other cards I made, and instead of taking pics and posting them here on my blog for sale, I simply said that if you like one, let me know. My mindset is such that I think it would be nicer to give away my cards rather than sell them. Am I a lost cause? Anyway, I will still make my new piles of cards.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Cards, cards, and more cards

I have totally been neglecting my fledgling blog. But I'll do that no more! In order to fund my scrappy addiction, I will be selling many of the cards I make right here on my blog. You can e-mail me, and I will send you a PayPal invoice. So simple. Cards are three dollars US, and shipping to the US is included in the price. I hope that you enjoy my hand-made cards. Also, if there is something specific you wish to see, please e-mail me. For the first cards, I have a YouTube video showcasing the cards (go to and search for DeraLynnD. The post is called Card Bonanza), so you'll have to give me a short description of the card(s) you want. In the future, I'll take photos singly and post them here to prevent confusion.