Friday, December 18, 2009


So, yes, I did get my packet of photos in the mail. I anticipated on scrapping like mad once I got them. However, all I have done is write the dates on the back. I'm just really tired. I like my naps.

With over 100 photos, I am feeling overwhelmed. Where the heck do I start? I made an accordian fold card or element for a mini. I haven't decided on which pictures I'll be using, so I haven't added embellishments yet. I got the idea from the scrapbooking show on BYU television. Maybe I have gotten some things going, but it really feels more like I'm hibernating rather than being productive.

This is one of the photos I need to scrap. It's all three of my children actually smiling at the same time. Quite a concept.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Waiting Not So Patiently

I've found it difficult to wait. A few days ago, I ordered prints from walmart. It's cheaper to have them mailed directly to my house rather than going to the store to pick them up. I live in a small town of 1,500 people out in the sticks, and I don't go "into town" to walmart, michaels, big lots, tuesday morning, etc., unless I have several errands to run. I didn't get the photos today, so I have to wait through the weekend. Ack! I don't have a printer to print my own photos (my son decided it would be a good place to hide jello.) So, I have to depend upon an outside source. It's actually not a bad deal at 9 cents a print. I'm having 121 made. I find I can't make page lay-outs, or mini albums without having the photos first. As soon as I get my order I'll be scrapping like mad. That should keep me scrapping until Christmas when maybe I can pick up some Christmas extras on clearance.