Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Next Move

Well, I've finished my mini album on our trip to Michigan. I have tons more photos I need to scrap, but the pictures are languishing in my digital camera. Really, I should just print them, but with no income until hubby's knee has healed, I have to let the photos sit where they are. So, what's my next move? I think I'll make some cards. I was ruffling through my stash, and it looks like I have enough papers and embellishments that I can start on my Christmas Cards. I only have to make 35.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I have been busy over at youtube watching haul videos and salivating. I would love to own so many of the tools, papers, and embellishments I see on those videos. Mine is a little scrap area, so space -- and money -- are at a premium. Currently, I am working on a mini-album about our visit out of state to see friends and relatives.